Taking into consideration the fact how much money automakers pour into car ads it isn’t a surprise for us to know that the list of the most-watched advertisements on YouTube, complied by Adweek, are car-related.
The most of the videos are three years old and the list includes such ads as Kia’s Dancing Hamsters, Ken Block’s Gymkhana (if you don’t know, it’s DC Shoes commercial), and you can be familiar with them. But I think it never bothers to see a good commercial once again.
But, enough talks, here are the videos:
Chrysler: Born of Fire (15 million views)

Honda: Matthew's Day Off (16 million views)

Kia: Dancing Hamsters (18 million)

Acura: Transactions (18 million views)

DC Shoes: Ken Block's Gymkhana Five (24 million views)

Volkswagen: The Force (54 million views)

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